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Meg Whitman

I was in impressed, in fact extremely impressed with Meg Whitman after hearing her hour long interview with KFI's John & Ken. I didnt want to like her, I told myself she is a made up character, created by her PR people, writers, etc. I mean, really, with the money she has she can just about buy anything or anyone. Former CEO of eBay and now running for governer with no political history...what are the odds? Odds, I believe, are in her favor. She speaks of running this vast state, just as she ran the vast, complex, intertwined world of eBay, with control and leadership. She signed the "No New Taxes Pledge" and agreed that she would freeze any bill that even considered raising taxes. That's right, absolutely NO NEW TAXES. I believe that we can get through this with what we have now if only those high spenders in Sacremento would, like the rest of the nation, pinch their pennies. I now pass up Starbucks in the morning, I need to save that $4.00 that i was so

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